G-S Course(45-60mins)

(Airport+ kokusai Street) 
Price per person : 6,500円(inc. tax) 「For SOFA status」
「For Normal Customer」:9,200円

G-M Course(90-120mins)

(Airport+kokusai Street+Senega Island)
Price per person : 8,500円(inc. tax) 「For SOFA status」
「For Normal Customer」:11,500円

G-XL or NightOwl Course(150-200mins)Starts at 9PM

(Airport+kokusai Street+Chatan American village)
***Recommended for those who want to experience Nightride with smooth, faster& adrenaline rush
Price per person : 19,800円(inc. tax) 「For SOFA status」
「For Normal Customer」:25,000円


3 ways of Booking

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Recommended for People with SOFA Status

If you cannot find desirable timings on calendar, then please directly contact us on Instagram messenger, we will make a tour

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